Thursday, March 10, 2011

Idol Bids Adieu to Ashthon Jones

Thirteen proved unlucky for Ashthon Jones who became the first contestant eliminated on American Idol tonight. Joining her in the bottom three were Karen Rodriguez (“I Can Fall in Love”) and Hayley Reinhart (“Blue”). Karen got the pass and then it was between Hayley and Ashthon and Ashthon got the boot.

Of course in order to drag the results show out to an hour, we have to have the obligatory musical acts. First up was Season Eight runner-up, Adam Lambert. Dressed down with little make-up, he did an acoustic version of his song, “Aftermath”. He told Ryan he wanted the audience to be able to focus on the lyrics and that the proceeds from the remix would go to the Trevor Foundation (a non-profit for gay teens).

Next up was Diddy Dirty Money who did “Coming Home.” What can I say; I’m not a Diddy Dirty Money fan. They were, however, better than the travesty that was last season’s performance by Ke$ha.

I can’t say I was shocked by Ashthon’s exit and from the look on her face, I don’t think she was surprised either. Surprisingly, Ryan asked her what song she wanted to sing. This is a change I’ve been waiting for, for years! I’ve never understood why they make the contestant’s sing the very song that got them kicked off. Anyway, Ashthon had a choice and still chose to sing that same tired Diana Ross song. Ugh!

I think she’ll be okay though. I really think Tyler Perry or David E. Talbert should pick her up and put her in one of their plays.

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